Monday, March 28, 2011

Boston, MA

Monday, July 19, 2010

I had a day free to enjoy Boston.  I'd been to Boston once before, for only a few hours during a layover of a coast-to-coast train adventure back in 1984.  On that visit I walked much of the famous Freedom Trail, a walking tour that includes many of the historic sites we all learned about in grade school.  This time I wanted to revisit the same general area to enjoy the modern city bustle with wonderful colonial buildings being dwarfed by skyscrapers, all at a walkable human scale.

I'd spent the night before just northeast of Boston, in Saugus.  I wanted to avoid driving in downtown Boston, so I parked the car in a garage near the Charlestown Navy Yard for the day.  The Navy Yard was established in 1800, and served the fleet until 1974, when 30 acres of it became part of Boston National Historical Park.  It is probably best known for the ship I went there to visit, "Old Ironsides", the USS Constitution.

Built in Boston, she was first launched on October 21, 1797.  She is the world's oldest commissioned warship afloat.  One has to pass through security to enter the adjacent museum building, and from there one can walk up to the ship.  I was disappointed to learn that I would not be able to board her for a tour, since she was under restoration to return her to her 1812 appearance for the bicentennial of the War of 1812, in which she defeated four English warships.  The restoration was completed November 6, 2010.

After seeing what I could of the ship, I passed the dry dock, which dates to 1833 and was first used by USS Constitution.

I wandered around the navy yard a bit more, trying to imagine what it was like in its heyday.  Then I walked over to the dock for the water shuttle, and enjoyed the Boston skyline while I waited for its arrival. 

Old North Church (white spire) and Boston skyline

The water shuttle was a great deal - $6 round trip.  I sat on the open top deck, enjoying the wind, sun, sea air, and just being on the water.  The shuttle docked at Long Wharf, and I decided to try Legal Seafood there for lunch.  I had a yummy tuna wrap, and a very nice young waiter offered to take my picture.  He got the big tip he was trying for!

After lunch I walked over to Quincy market, an old city market building with internal vendor shops and sidewalk cafes, outdoor cart vendors, and live music.  This was one of my favorite spots on my 1984 trip, and I was really looking forward to it.  This time, however, it was very crowded, hectic, and I found the music unpleasant and much too loud.  It had also become surrounded by large chain stores, not my cup of tea.  Oh well, I still have my memory of the 1984 version.

From Quincy market I followed the "Freedom Trail" to Boston Common, enjoying the busy street scape along the way.  I didn't make any of the historic stops along the trail, mostly because they were very crowded.  I had visited them on my previous trip, and this day I was just out to enjoy the city's ambiance.

The grasshopper wind vane atop Faneuil Hall

The lovely Old State House (red brick just right of center) surrounded by skyscrapers of various eras.

Old South Meeting House

I really enjoyed my walk through Boston Common, a great spot for people-watching.  Tourists, locals, business people, nannies with strollers, snack vendors, etc., etc., all enjoying the open green space it provides.  According to the Freedom Trail guide book, this land was never built on, having first been used as pasture, and then as common open space.  My goal was at the far end of the common: the Swan Boats.  This was something I hadn't had time for on my first trip, and I always wanted to return for a ride.  They are unique in all the world, paddle boats powered by foot, with a swan figure covering the mechanism.  I just learned from their website that they started in 1877 and are still owned and operated by the same family!

The lads operating the boat, one pedaling, one poling.

During the ride a light rain started to fall.  I didn't feel like walking all the way back to the dock, so I took the subway.  I enjoyed the water shuttle return trip, once again sitting on the upper deck, and attempting to take a decent self-portrait.  Pretty funny.

Below is my first attempt to insert a map.  Please forgive me if it goes awry.

View Boston Day in a larger map

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